Chiara - Growing Up, Studying & Re-Qualifying
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Growing Up, Studying & Re-Qualifying
Entering & Re- Entering the Workplace
Relationships: Making Up & Breaking Up
Parenthood & Becoming a Carer
Later Life, Planning & Entering Retirement
Ill-Health, Infirmity & Dying
Financial Capability Imperative
Pay Gap
Shared Living & Cohabitation Pitfall
Parenthood & Caring Penalty
Flexible Working Sacrifice
Wellness Threat
Divorce & Separation Setback
Abuse Danger
Pension Deficit
Financial Wellbeing
Longevity Trap
Graduation Gap
Skills & Qualification Gap

Chiara - Growing Up, Studying & Re-Qualifying
Chiara is making study choices and considering the financial and work- life prospects of her options.
Female graduates are two times as likely as male graduates to work in lower to middle skill jobs – due to study choices. 1/5th of female undergraduates study STEM subjects.
70% of jobs expected to be automated are done by women and there is a risk the Gender Pay Gap will widen.
Chiara can find out about different subjects, their respective job opportunities and pay prospects as well as how these might change in the future and the skills to succeed. This will help her make informed decisions consistent with her aspirations for her Financial Life Journey. This way she will be better equipped to manage her financial wellbeing.